Im been tired all day. My sleepiness refuses to go away. I even take a nap today and I wake up tired. I want my sleepiness to leave me. I should go sleep early.
I fixed my bed today. Apparently it wasnt really broke, it was just playing wounded.
It was odd I removed my mattresses and look at the frame, everything was in take but two support braces some how fall. So how does a 5ft pieces of wood fall through a 4ft 10in opening, I have no clue.
On an odd note, my folks house has no bathroom right now. Its kinda odd. A house with no bath room. My folks are getting new tile put down for the floor, so the tile guys ripped everything out of the bathroom.
I spend the other night with my crush, and I think Ill be able to get over her. I dont want to, but I should really face reality. Im starting to wonder if reality is that females dont like me.
I miss you all.
yeah i just say that stuff cause it's fun...
i suppose everyone's just been ridiculous lately...