Big shock to all..I am at work..I don't know what time I am working until..soo..I cannot offically start a count down. Even though going home probably won't be all that much of a good idea. We are bringing my Memere (Grand-Ma for all you non-Frenchies) to the hospital tonight so she can get admitted into a nursing home. She can barely walk, or even stand for that matter, so my Mum is going to call and have her brought in by rescue.
My Memere is 72 years old and has P.D. (Parkinson's Disease). Over the past few years her health has been on a steady decline. In her head, though, she feels like she can take care of herself when my Mum and I take care of her. We dress her, feed her, give her her medications, change her diapers, wash her, etc..etc.. It's a big strain on my Mum and I to take care of her like this. She is 150% depedant on other people she cannot to a thing for herself and she doesn't realize this. "It only takes 5 minutes to help me get dressed...", "It only takes 5 minutes to help me do this...", "It only takes 5 minutes...". But what she doesn't think of is how much all those "5 minutes" add up.
She thinks we are just dumping her off in some nursing home because we don't care about her. She wants to stay in the house, but it's very dangerous for a woman in her condition to stay home for hours on end completely alone. What will happen if she falls? She can't get herself up from her lift chair, let alone getting up off the floor. She'd be on the floor until someone gets home.
My family and I feel that the best thing for her would be to admit her into a nursing home. She'll be pissed off at us for a while, but she'll eventually realize that this is the best thing for her...
...I hope...
My Memere is 72 years old and has P.D. (Parkinson's Disease). Over the past few years her health has been on a steady decline. In her head, though, she feels like she can take care of herself when my Mum and I take care of her. We dress her, feed her, give her her medications, change her diapers, wash her, etc..etc.. It's a big strain on my Mum and I to take care of her like this. She is 150% depedant on other people she cannot to a thing for herself and she doesn't realize this. "It only takes 5 minutes to help me get dressed...", "It only takes 5 minutes to help me do this...", "It only takes 5 minutes...". But what she doesn't think of is how much all those "5 minutes" add up.
She thinks we are just dumping her off in some nursing home because we don't care about her. She wants to stay in the house, but it's very dangerous for a woman in her condition to stay home for hours on end completely alone. What will happen if she falls? She can't get herself up from her lift chair, let alone getting up off the floor. She'd be on the floor until someone gets home.
My family and I feel that the best thing for her would be to admit her into a nursing home. She'll be pissed off at us for a while, but she'll eventually realize that this is the best thing for her...
...I hope...