so I got the bad news email today.. my clockwork orange set got rejected.. booo.. glad i dont get my hopes up too high anymores
. not too sure if iwanna put it up on scs. that would be my 3rd one.. i dunno. just extra bummed cuz i like the theme.. should i bother putting it in scs? i dunno. i would resize pics and post some but im short on time right now. so you all have to wait. im thinking im my boardom next week i may just try a self shot set to pass the time so long as my face isnt icky. its looking pretty good right now. nothing a little make up couldnt fix in a couple of days.

I think you just have bad luck because Dior' set has been accepted before yours and you have the same theme. So, as they choose a Clockwork theme a week ago, I don't think you should put your set in SCS. I know, it's a shame... I advise you to do another set... I know, I know, it's hard, but please, don't give up, you deserve to be SG ! I wish you the best of luck. I work on you on 'toshop, you'll have fanart sweetheart 

it is sad , the set was very good