so, after a pretty shity week, i think my luck may be starting to change. in addition to my set being rejected last week, i lost my editing job because of contract negotiations. and they fired me thru email. how lame is that!?!?
well at least i wasnt fired because they didnt like me or i did something wrong, one of the producers wanted to go in another direction and didnt wanna pay me what i was originally offered. I didnt even realize any of this was going on, i just got an email saying they appologize and appricate all my efforts but they dont have a post production budget anymore. which #1, sucks for them, #2 sucks for me, but they did offer me a job in the art department, but they wouldnt say exactly what i would be doing and i would onl get paid a portion of the profits after the fact. so i dunno if im doing to do that. i just dont wanna get dicked over again. THEN at work on friday all this ickiness set in and it was a holiday weekend so it was dead, i ended up just drinking with my boy (ex who is currently undefined at the moment haha) who came to visit. so buying a bottle of champagne and being a lazy dancer put me acouple dollars in the hole.
but good news! the guy from the productio design department at AFI got back to me and im interviewing with him in LA on july 20h!!!
which is awesome so now i gotta book my tickets. im looking to shoot another set soon with a staff photog so i emailed to see if anyone out there would be avail those 5 days im gunna be in LA, but i dont expect much due to the short notice of the trip, but i may as well try. if not i deff wana get in to see someone in nyc soon.
i also wanted to say thanks to all you guys who have been commenting on my set, i really appriciate it and een tho it was rejected im glad some people are getting to enjoy. AND i will go by antigone again, as i didnt realize we had an awesome member already named faye, i remember seeing it on a llist of sg names not taken yet so i thought it was fair game, silly me not to check the members. opps!
so yea. i leave you with a CORRECTLY NAMED link to my newest reject haha
Antigone - pleasant dreams
hope all is well with you all! xoxox

but good news! the guy from the productio design department at AFI got back to me and im interviewing with him in LA on july 20h!!!

i also wanted to say thanks to all you guys who have been commenting on my set, i really appriciate it and een tho it was rejected im glad some people are getting to enjoy. AND i will go by antigone again, as i didnt realize we had an awesome member already named faye, i remember seeing it on a llist of sg names not taken yet so i thought it was fair game, silly me not to check the members. opps!

Antigone - pleasant dreams
hope all is well with you all! xoxox

good luck with ya sets!x
hey hun you should totally see if you can get tmronin to shoot for you he is still my fav photog. and no worries all will be good because you rocks my socks off thats why yay!