umm yea. so new set got rejected within 3 days!! didtn even make it to photoshopping.. grrr. a little missed considering i took all the advice and critisim i got and thuoght i used it to the best of my abilities. i dunno.. i did decide to put it up for scs despite by reluctancy to do ex is pretty mad as he hates the whole sg thing and actually liked this set alot so he is all like "fuck them they dont know what pretty is" blah blah blah. i guess he takes it kinda seriously huh? im trying not to let it bother me, but i honestly am really confused as to where to improve now. hopefully ill get some good comments. i gotta run but here u go.
Faye - Pleasant dreams
Faye - Pleasant dreams

No worries at all lady, good luck with the sets!!

Girl I thought the set was beautiful!!!