so yea, long time no update. sorry kiddies i know how you loose sleep while awaiting my next entry
things are ok. ive been working all week, which is good money but my hair smells like smoke and my feet hurt. im doing movie stuff all weekend which is going to be fun. I was supposed to today but there was a problem securing the location (kinda last minute if you ask me). so tomorrow im helping out on my TAs grad thesis and sunday and monday i got a key pa gig off craigslist for this short. so i will be a happy little chick-a-dee to be on set again.
damn, my roomate just snagged the shower. i soo gotta wash my hair. looks like i have a few more minutes to entertain you.
oh! i got another call about the editing position for that horror feature. the guy said he really likes my reel and digs my style and wants to know more about my philosophy behind it. so i wrote him this super long email answering all his questions and stuff. i really hope he gets back to me. but i guess he wouldnt have asked me all he did if he wasnt really considering hiring me. the best thing is (well theres a couple) I would be lead editor, meaning i dont have to do bitch work and can hire assistants if i see fit. Its a 3 month long stint, so it will take me right til the end of summer, so i wont have to do anymore philly job hunting. annddd i get to work from home on my editing system. which is rad cuz i can work naked hehe
additionally. boys suck, not because they are mean, they are actually nice. I have a super sweet boy bidding for my attention, who makes me blush like im 12. but at the same time, the notoriously narcissistic asshole boyfriend is turning over a new leaf. sometimes i think the romantic gods just put these kinda of stuations together to watch our heads spin.
but then again, i guess if i was a diety, i would get a little bored now and again too. anyways, as of now thats all the news thats fit to print. i'm off to wash my hair and enjoy my day off!

oh! i got another call about the editing position for that horror feature. the guy said he really likes my reel and digs my style and wants to know more about my philosophy behind it. so i wrote him this super long email answering all his questions and stuff. i really hope he gets back to me. but i guess he wouldnt have asked me all he did if he wasnt really considering hiring me. the best thing is (well theres a couple) I would be lead editor, meaning i dont have to do bitch work and can hire assistants if i see fit. Its a 3 month long stint, so it will take me right til the end of summer, so i wont have to do anymore philly job hunting. annddd i get to work from home on my editing system. which is rad cuz i can work naked hehe

additionally. boys suck, not because they are mean, they are actually nice. I have a super sweet boy bidding for my attention, who makes me blush like im 12. but at the same time, the notoriously narcissistic asshole boyfriend is turning over a new leaf. sometimes i think the romantic gods just put these kinda of stuations together to watch our heads spin.

If you like to work naked I really think I should make a film that you can edit at my place!
It'd be hard for any guy not to say such sweet things about you, so don't worry too much!
and YAY for spreading the use of "chickadee!" i never considered adding the dashes, something to ponder while i'm bored at work tomorrow...
suggestion: easiest way to get a roomie outta the shower = oops, i flushed the toilet... 6 times.