NOO MORE SCHOOL!!!!! i am officially done with schoolwork the only thing left for me to do is go to the graduation ceremony. Tuesday i took my last final of my undergrad career and got a 101 on it!!! What a lovely combination of a curve and my over acheiver skills. In a few days i should find out if i pulled off that 4.0 or not.. I am only waiting to hear from one more class. I swear if my social cognition proff gives me an A- i will kill him!
(or maybe just go to his office and leave a mean annonymous note) your probably thinking 'A- shut up and take it!" but all i wanted was to pull a 4.0 once in college, and what better semester than my last when im finish up both my thesisezzzz. oh well.
now all thats left is for me to find a job. I was checking out craigs listand found this sweet editing job doing wedding videos for $200 a pop! which is awesome, so i emailed them my resume and reel and stuff and heard nothing back yet. I went to call them, but they never listed thier company name? so i tried looking up most of the video places in the area and just ended up looking like a douche calling asking ' uhh did u put an ad up for an editor?" oh well i only really need it for like 4 months or so. then off to JAPAN!!! so im really focusing on getting some film work in japan. Overseas job hunting is the suck.
but im holdin in there
yesterday the bf and i threw a murder mystery dinner party (old hollywood theme) and it was soooo much fun.. until i had to clean up this morning (crustly food plates and wine bottles, ewww) but i uploaded the pics in a new album here!!
so have fun checking that out. Im off to pack some stuff up to head back to jersey to see the 'rents for a couple of days.. byes kiddies

now all thats left is for me to find a job. I was checking out craigs listand found this sweet editing job doing wedding videos for $200 a pop! which is awesome, so i emailed them my resume and reel and stuff and heard nothing back yet. I went to call them, but they never listed thier company name? so i tried looking up most of the video places in the area and just ended up looking like a douche calling asking ' uhh did u put an ad up for an editor?" oh well i only really need it for like 4 months or so. then off to JAPAN!!! so im really focusing on getting some film work in japan. Overseas job hunting is the suck.

yesterday the bf and i threw a murder mystery dinner party (old hollywood theme) and it was soooo much fun.. until i had to clean up this morning (crustly food plates and wine bottles, ewww) but i uploaded the pics in a new album here!!
so have fun checking that out. Im off to pack some stuff up to head back to jersey to see the 'rents for a couple of days.. byes kiddies