hello everybodddyyy,
well my screening went well. everyone seemed to like my work..maybe because some of the other work scheduled that day left some to be desired hehe.. oh well i hope thats not the case. So that went well, my parents came down so that was nice, snuck out between movies to smoke a j. and was successful at playing it cool when i returend which is always a plus. then we went out to party.. annnddd me hating alcohol. but it being a special occasion, i beat my drink record.. i made it to 5 DRINKS!!! (with the help of a bag of yay, normally im out for the count after 2.. yea, im lame, i know) so yesterday consisted of recovering.. which was nice i guess.today is back to getting some work done. or at least trying to.
Im the DD for tonight, should be ok, but my dumb ass narcissistic boyfriend (who recently actually got diagnosed w/ narcissism) is prolly gunna make me sit there til 4 am watching drunk dudes make lame jokes about the same thing for hours at a time.. which normally, dont get me wrong, i dont mind putting up wtih it.. its just he never does the same for me and as im sure everyone knows. its kinda draining on your good graces to be the only sober person in a room full of drunk fucks.. but maybe ill just blaze and try to score some blow and it'll be ok.
ok my last bit of complaining for the day, (at least for now) damn this mother effing pollen!!! my windows were shut and i still managed to wake up with itchy eyes and a sinus headache.. wtf???? this may put a damper on my bike riding actiivies for the day. booo.. speaking of which, my new messanger bag came in from Reload, bags the other day (seriously check them out its the most awesome heavy duty bags ive ever seen. and you can coose everything down to the thread color.) im a dork so heres a pic of it. i got to make the design on the front so that was fun (horrayy photoshop) hehe. anyways that enough of me for the day.. im off to try and escape my allergies and clean my house.. wish me luck kiddies.
well my screening went well. everyone seemed to like my work..maybe because some of the other work scheduled that day left some to be desired hehe.. oh well i hope thats not the case. So that went well, my parents came down so that was nice, snuck out between movies to smoke a j. and was successful at playing it cool when i returend which is always a plus. then we went out to party.. annnddd me hating alcohol. but it being a special occasion, i beat my drink record.. i made it to 5 DRINKS!!! (with the help of a bag of yay, normally im out for the count after 2.. yea, im lame, i know) so yesterday consisted of recovering.. which was nice i guess.today is back to getting some work done. or at least trying to.
Im the DD for tonight, should be ok, but my dumb ass narcissistic boyfriend (who recently actually got diagnosed w/ narcissism) is prolly gunna make me sit there til 4 am watching drunk dudes make lame jokes about the same thing for hours at a time.. which normally, dont get me wrong, i dont mind putting up wtih it.. its just he never does the same for me and as im sure everyone knows. its kinda draining on your good graces to be the only sober person in a room full of drunk fucks.. but maybe ill just blaze and try to score some blow and it'll be ok.
ok my last bit of complaining for the day, (at least for now) damn this mother effing pollen!!! my windows were shut and i still managed to wake up with itchy eyes and a sinus headache.. wtf???? this may put a damper on my bike riding actiivies for the day. booo.. speaking of which, my new messanger bag came in from Reload, bags the other day (seriously check them out its the most awesome heavy duty bags ive ever seen. and you can coose everything down to the thread color.) im a dork so heres a pic of it. i got to make the design on the front so that was fun (horrayy photoshop) hehe. anyways that enough of me for the day.. im off to try and escape my allergies and clean my house.. wish me luck kiddies.