ok, so didnt get all that much accomplished this weekend, although i had a terribly amazing bike ride yesterday that resulted in me sitting in rittenhouse square for 4 hrs instead of doing my work hehe. but i didnt get some sort of a game plan for the rest of my reel. screening is in 4 days! yikes, so excited for that. ahh roomates kittens are jumping all over my keyboard. i dont really let them in my room cuz i'm allergic to them ,but they were outside my door crying, ugh im such a sucker. anyways ill get a couple pics up for them. they are soo effing cute. 2 little terrors tho, investigating EVERYTHING. i guess thats what kitties do tho, ive never had a cat before so i dunno.. gotta take a shower, finish laundry and get some work done, and i wanna go on another bike ride again, ughh this stupid boy im with NEEDS to get a bike, we cant go anywhere together haha. oh, me and my photog came up with a banging idea for my next set (not telling!) hopefully we can shoot in within the next several weeks, but i cnat submit it til end up july BOOOO!!!!! lots of time to perfect it then, right? byes for now kiddies!!

It'll be the bomb diggity shit yo hehe