hey everyone,
so ive been a member for a while and im just now figuring out blogging.. probably because im a myspace hater i run from blogs.. buttttttt if this lets me meet new awesome people then im all for it.. i just wanted to say thanks to everyone whos been commenting on my thread in the sg hopefuls groups (if u havent checked it out, please do i've been hearing good things, oh its in my pics as well)... i had my second set rejected ..boo but its up for second chance sundays so maybe something good will happen with that (keeping my fingers crossed). if not, its ok. THANKS SOOOO MUCH for the feedback thus far, its been REAALLLYY helpful. now i know how to improve it for my next attempt.. i got the wheels turning for it, maybe third times the charm.. anyways welcome to blog post #1. im off to screen some movies in class for 4 hours yay!!
have an awesome day everyone!
so ive been a member for a while and im just now figuring out blogging.. probably because im a myspace hater i run from blogs.. buttttttt if this lets me meet new awesome people then im all for it.. i just wanted to say thanks to everyone whos been commenting on my thread in the sg hopefuls groups (if u havent checked it out, please do i've been hearing good things, oh its in my pics as well)... i had my second set rejected ..boo but its up for second chance sundays so maybe something good will happen with that (keeping my fingers crossed). if not, its ok. THANKS SOOOO MUCH for the feedback thus far, its been REAALLLYY helpful. now i know how to improve it for my next attempt.. i got the wheels turning for it, maybe third times the charm.. anyways welcome to blog post #1. im off to screen some movies in class for 4 hours yay!!

I think you have a really good shit at being an SG. You're already closer to the mark than 90% of the hopefuls, I think
p.s. i love your name hehe great song.