Look who was booked to design a feature and if fell through due to finances AGAIN??!!!!!!
this is the 4th fucking time since november.... im really getting pissed about this.. ugh so i turned down other work because these assclowns booked me for all of july. They said they would have 16 shoot days.. well ..thats what one producer said.. then in a conversation with...
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this is the 4th fucking time since november.... im really getting pissed about this.. ugh so i turned down other work because these assclowns booked me for all of july. They said they would have 16 shoot days.. well ..thats what one producer said.. then in a conversation with...
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You have every reason to be angry
oh girl hope everything works out
my movie got pushed again.. so i finally start it on sunday..
on a commercial til the mean time.. its nice getting some work here and there..
think fast.. whats your top 10 movies of the decade? compiling my list for banana who and i'm sure im missing some good ones!

think fast.. whats your top 10 movies of the decade? compiling my list for banana who and i'm sure im missing some good ones!
Let The Right One In
The Dark Knight
There Will Be Blood
Almost Famous
Children of Men
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
Y Tu Mama Tambien
Eastern Promises
The Pianist
The Dark Knight
There Will Be Blood
Almost Famous
Children of Men
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
Y Tu Mama Tambien
Eastern Promises
The Pianist
so i've finished my second feature of the year.. yayyyy.. thus my disapearance.. and, my super talented fiance snaggled up another one (hes totally beating me on brining in jobs this year) so i start my pre-production on sunday... it should be great.. its all about sex..but not a porn haha. im going to be set decorating this one. which is pretty sweet.. pysched not...
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Thanks for the comment.
I haven't heard from you in ages.
As a retired baseball player, I can tell you it is damn near impossible to go 7 for 7.
Best of luck with the job and the wedding.
Talk to you later!

As a retired baseball player, I can tell you it is damn near impossible to go 7 for 7.

Best of luck with the job and the wedding.

Talk to you later!
Sounds like youv.le been a busy bee! Congrats I'm so happy for you!
hey everyone!
looks like i just came back and im mia again. sorry loves! thanks for the comments and messages i appologize for not checking up on everyone elses blog. my new job has me going 12-14hr days.. yikes! so my sexy lady naked picure time is at a minimum BOOO!!! but new dot and evette sets make me happy
sweet dreams for me hehe....
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looks like i just came back and im mia again. sorry loves! thanks for the comments and messages i appologize for not checking up on everyone elses blog. my new job has me going 12-14hr days.. yikes! so my sexy lady naked picure time is at a minimum BOOO!!! but new dot and evette sets make me happy

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Hello! I live in NYC as well and am looking for some like-minded freiends... I like your pics and your text...
Hey. How's it going doll
so I got the bad news email today.. my clockwork orange set got rejected.. booo.. glad i dont get my hopes up too high anymores
. not too sure if iwanna put it up on scs. that would be my 3rd one.. i dunno. just extra bummed cuz i like the theme.. should i bother putting it in scs? i dunno. i would resize pics...
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I think you just have bad luck because Dior' set has been accepted before yours and you have the same theme. So, as they choose a Clockwork theme a week ago, I don't think you should put your set in SCS. I know, it's a shame... I advise you to do another set... I know, I know, it's hard, but please, don't give up, you deserve to be SG ! I wish you the best of luck. I work on you on 'toshop, you'll have fanart sweetheart 

it is sad , the set was very good

ok. so im out of my pain killer fog for a bit because i cant take them because they have been making me throw up left and right
so im a big ol' grumpy-pants right now with a HUGE face.. still no word on my set.. thanks for all the concern and comments
i feel like shit but everyting went well. cant wait for the...
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feel better soon hun!
well hope that al those side effects willend soon , hang on

hellooo everybody!!!
so whats going on? im doing well.. getting ready to move once again.. ughhh.. were havent offically signed anything yet in brooklyn but im going back to my parents house for a couple of days next week then heading up to our place (hopefully we will have one
)on sept 1st. .in between all of this packing and job/apartment hunting and finishing all...
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so whats going on? im doing well.. getting ready to move once again.. ughhh.. were havent offically signed anything yet in brooklyn but im going back to my parents house for a couple of days next week then heading up to our place (hopefully we will have one

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hey pretty

haha actually you should come to cali then you and I could go see superbad (because I could se eit over and over again) and roll a little fatty lol! Your set is going to be effin awesome I just watched it again today and yeah
have a great monday love!

hey everyone,
so yea birthday ridiculousness was a little.. well ridiculous haha. went to nyc and was getting some awesoem japanese food in this fancy restauraunt when all of a sudden. i start choking.. no big deal i think. then i really ..like REALLY cant breathe. so the boy runs over and has to give me the hiemlick (sp??) like 3 times. it doesnt really...
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so yea birthday ridiculousness was a little.. well ridiculous haha. went to nyc and was getting some awesoem japanese food in this fancy restauraunt when all of a sudden. i start choking.. no big deal i think. then i really ..like REALLY cant breathe. so the boy runs over and has to give me the hiemlick (sp??) like 3 times. it doesnt really...
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Happy birthday , realy loved the hopeful set

There is no 3 month waiting period for anyone anymore b/c of SC Sundays and hun NY is where the amazing Steve Prue is!!!! You should try to schedule a shoot with him he is my dream photographer and my favorite for the site he shoots Ember's sets! Shoot him a message it wouldn't hurt and if you did end up shooting with him I'd be super jealous and that would be one amazing set!

hello all!!
long time no update.. sadly i had no interweb access in LA, my firend just moved and doesnt have it yet. so i've been missing my daily dose of super hot ladies! and super neat people...so yea. my interview went really well. i have to brush up on my perspective drawing and read a couple of architecture books then i should be good...
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long time no update.. sadly i had no interweb access in LA, my firend just moved and doesnt have it yet. so i've been missing my daily dose of super hot ladies! and super neat people...so yea. my interview went really well. i have to brush up on my perspective drawing and read a couple of architecture books then i should be good...
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happy birthday pretty lady!
so, after a pretty shity week, i think my luck may be starting to change. in addition to my set being rejected last week, i lost my editing job because of contract negotiations. and they fired me thru email. how lame is that!?!?
well at least i wasnt fired because they didnt like me or i did something wrong, one of the producers wanted to...
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good luck with ya sets!x