hi, homos. what is going on with this gay new layout? why can't they just leave everything alone. i am back in dublin for christmas and feeling good except for this rash on my face that the cats give me. here is a lo-down of some of my favorite things that have happened between now and my last communication.
*working at the ombudsmans office in millbank was the stuff. do you like recieving mail from people who are certified crazy? this one guy called ERIC who wrote about himself in the 3rd person shared with me that he can't stop setting off fire alarms and that 'making ERIC stay in dorset is letting autism run loose in 2007.' he used a variety of mediums on which to write his letters, including cereal boxes and crisp packets. on some occasions he would also send gifts - i recieved doorstops, marbles, and once he sent the insole of his shoe, which was gross.
*i was having trouble in the place i dj at because they hired a new barman who is a cunt. i was even contemplating quitting because he was ruining my life. so i asked god to get him out the way and guess what happened. he was in a motorbike accident and needs reconstructive surgery on his face. thats what you GET for being A DICKHEAD.
*i went to a real life office party and even participated in a circle of dancing with all my bosses and colleagues to 'is this the way to amerillo'. it was amazing to do that. i also sang kareoke with the business manager - we duetted 'fairytale of new york'.
*i did all my christmas shopping in one day, can you believe that? on sunday. i had a terrible cold, i decided to go to camden real early to beat the rush. i arrived at 8am and then learned that nothing opens til 11. then i went to covent garden but nothing was open there although i did get some good breakfast there which helped me to stave off anemia at least for the time being. i asked for no eggs with my breakfast please, they looked horrified (i can't eat egg) and asked if i wanted anything else instead. i wanted to say yes, cake. or something. but i was poilte and said no. but when they brought me my plate, they had put the biggest pile of rashers i have ever seen on there. it was like the rasher plate at a breakfast buffet. anyway i ate nuff bacon that day and also did some shopping.
*i left my job yesterday and the postman gave me a christmas card which declared intentions i had no idea that he had. so its good that i was leaving. my boss gave me a card which people signed and wrote messages on.
*me and rorscarch_1 or whatever (chu) did a kiss and it was real good.
*i am finally financially independent. that means i can eat until i explode, catch stds, go on drugs whereever and whenever i feel to and nobody can say shit about it! or they can but i dont have to listen!
that's all! there's bad stuff too but who bloody cares. i'm home til the 4th and i don't have to clean up after myself for 2 whole weeks!! high 5s for everybody.
*working at the ombudsmans office in millbank was the stuff. do you like recieving mail from people who are certified crazy? this one guy called ERIC who wrote about himself in the 3rd person shared with me that he can't stop setting off fire alarms and that 'making ERIC stay in dorset is letting autism run loose in 2007.' he used a variety of mediums on which to write his letters, including cereal boxes and crisp packets. on some occasions he would also send gifts - i recieved doorstops, marbles, and once he sent the insole of his shoe, which was gross.
*i was having trouble in the place i dj at because they hired a new barman who is a cunt. i was even contemplating quitting because he was ruining my life. so i asked god to get him out the way and guess what happened. he was in a motorbike accident and needs reconstructive surgery on his face. thats what you GET for being A DICKHEAD.
*i went to a real life office party and even participated in a circle of dancing with all my bosses and colleagues to 'is this the way to amerillo'. it was amazing to do that. i also sang kareoke with the business manager - we duetted 'fairytale of new york'.
*i did all my christmas shopping in one day, can you believe that? on sunday. i had a terrible cold, i decided to go to camden real early to beat the rush. i arrived at 8am and then learned that nothing opens til 11. then i went to covent garden but nothing was open there although i did get some good breakfast there which helped me to stave off anemia at least for the time being. i asked for no eggs with my breakfast please, they looked horrified (i can't eat egg) and asked if i wanted anything else instead. i wanted to say yes, cake. or something. but i was poilte and said no. but when they brought me my plate, they had put the biggest pile of rashers i have ever seen on there. it was like the rasher plate at a breakfast buffet. anyway i ate nuff bacon that day and also did some shopping.
*i left my job yesterday and the postman gave me a christmas card which declared intentions i had no idea that he had. so its good that i was leaving. my boss gave me a card which people signed and wrote messages on.
*me and rorscarch_1 or whatever (chu) did a kiss and it was real good.
*i am finally financially independent. that means i can eat until i explode, catch stds, go on drugs whereever and whenever i feel to and nobody can say shit about it! or they can but i dont have to listen!
that's all! there's bad stuff too but who bloody cares. i'm home til the 4th and i don't have to clean up after myself for 2 whole weeks!! high 5s for everybody.

Happy Christmas Deb! I can seeee yoooouuuu!