well guess who i'm djing with at the end of the month!! GUESS!
i didn't know she could dj either. probably she can't. i don't care. you know what the best part is? apart from the big wad of cash i'll get at the end of it? is that i always fantasised that me and her would meet somehow. i've always though we should be friends. my life is awesome.
i'm going to get my eyebrows threaded today, i'm terrified. no one even sees my eyebrows on account of my fringe. but i'm tired of getting all paranoid of gentle breezes. i met a nice boy last night. well, he was ok.
well, i made it rain today by planning a BBQ, you can show your appreciation in monetary form!

oh yeah, i should have put that on there shouldn't i? it's the 16th of July