last night me and beck got off the nightbus and chased a frog down a lane and then we met beck's cat nermal, we tried to call her but she ran under a parked car. beck tried to get her but then a light went on in the house next to the car and we ran away. but once we got around the corner we heard a meowing, and turned around and nermal was meowing at us. what did she want? we couldn't work it out. when we went to see she ran under the car again. then we walked off, then she started meowing again. eventually she ran over to us and we picked her up and took her home.
me and beck are watching king of the hill. i'm flying back to london in a few hours. i hope good stuff starts happening once i get there.
me and beck are watching king of the hill. i'm flying back to london in a few hours. i hope good stuff starts happening once i get there.
any specific kind of biscuits or just all of them?

The Pimp Story, in horrifying detail