I AM: hurricane_deb. thanks sg.
am i allowed to say the new layout sucks?
in other news, i'm the most awesome dj of all time. i don't boast about that enough. i played the best gig ever on friday, didn't get in til 6am and now i have a cold. but so what. MOST AWESOME DJ OF ALL TIME.
**mp3 of the day**
treva whateva - singalong
do you like drinking beer and eating potato chips? do you like mr scruff? click the link to listen/download.
am i allowed to say the new layout sucks?
in other news, i'm the most awesome dj of all time. i don't boast about that enough. i played the best gig ever on friday, didn't get in til 6am and now i have a cold. but so what. MOST AWESOME DJ OF ALL TIME.
**mp3 of the day**
treva whateva - singalong
do you like drinking beer and eating potato chips? do you like mr scruff? click the link to listen/download.
new layout is taking me bloody ages to do anything... been here an hour and not got onto boobs yet

Debberrr are you coming home?? When?????? Save me from the students!! There will be four of us and three of them, we'll win!