you can tell by the volume of updates that i have work to do. but there is one thing i am being disciplined about. i am soo tempted to develop a crush on this boy i've always sort of had a crush on, but lately am feeling like taking it to the next level of crushing. he has been in a few lectures since first year and i thought he was definitely hot but maybe a bit shy and boring. but it turns out he's not boring at all! he's actually really really funny and looks you right in the face when he's talking to you. and his face is so lovely, where do i even begin. he has a girlfriend though. although i know they are thinking about splitting up. i have met her a handful of times and let me tell you, she is RUDE. she looks like a witch and never smiles. he deserves so much better. *ahem*. but anyway like i said, i have too much work to do to be getting my crush on.

cheers for the tattoo comment, i was debating for ages about going onto my neck and in the end i thought fuck it, i really want it and i don't care what other people think