i am so excited about moving out i can barely contain myself. i did have a weird little random cry while i was watching the boat race with rory and will yesterday before i went to work. rory says 'don't move out deb' and it makes me cry. because i wish i was as laid back as they are and could live in filth and feel ok about it. but i just can't do it. i am in the sitting room now and there is a yoghurt pot with a spoon in it ON THE SOFA. not even the floor. come on, that's gross right? plus i just smashed another glass all over my bedroom floor and our hoover is broken again. that makes about 4 in total. so long stinktown!
It reminds me of the time I visited some friends in Oxford. I couldnt believe people could love like that. Milk in the fridge that was out of date by a month!
oh no, you will stay friends if you move out, being there will just keep upsetting you and make you angry with them, ah new nice clean house, dont look back