i hope you all had a fine paddy's day. mine was stupid. i had to sing with this crappy electro band to a bunch of pretentious drones in kentish town. sucked. i had two glasses of wine and then i went home. then my housemate made me go to this hip-hop gig, then he decided we should leave as soon as we got there. i did have fun djing at a party the night after though, but now i fancy someone i shouldn't. oh well! that's life. i have an essay due for tomorrow afternoon that i haven't started yet, and i'm djing tonight. and my boss said he'd fix the mixer but it's still broken! i can't use the headphones so i have to guess where to cue up the tracks! and when i said 'why is the mixer still broken' to him he said 'a shoddy workman blames his tools'.

sorry, i talk bollocks when i'm bored