yay i had such a fun birthday party! the house got completely trashed but it was worth it. all kinds of crazy stuff happened, i just wish i could remember more of it. got pretty drunk. my sister did me the favour of writing down all the retarded stuff i said and did throughout the night, some of it is pretty funny and embarrassing. my favorite i think is apparently i went up to some guy and said 'DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TO ME? IT'S MY BIRTHDAY AND I LIVE HERE!!'
i also remember that i was djing and a really butch lesbian came up to me and said 'i'd really like to take you out to dinner'. and at the time i was thinking 'yeah! dinner!' and i gave her my phone number. luckily my phone got broken somehow so i don't have to deal with the repercussions!
i also remember that i was djing and a really butch lesbian came up to me and said 'i'd really like to take you out to dinner'. and at the time i was thinking 'yeah! dinner!' and i gave her my phone number. luckily my phone got broken somehow so i don't have to deal with the repercussions!

hey sweetie.. it's a long shot i'll be there sunday, but i definitely want to see you play very soon.. or maybe just hang out sometime soon.. coffee or summat (cos if you're anything like me when you're cueing up and mixing.. the last thing you want is some drunk bald idiot trying to talk to you and put you off
well.. hope you're having a fun weekend.
speak soon
thanks for my birthday comments
i can't make tonight thanks to lack of funds
hope you had a fun weekend.. and i think it's about time you posted a photo of your handle bar moustache.. don't you?!!