Last night my band played a gig at this real big biker party in North London. My dad has been saying to me for weeks 'bet you're looking forward to it, you'll fit right in, hohoho!', and he was actually so right! I've never felt so at home in my entire life as i did in that room full of bikers. I've always thought of myself as more of a Mod but I've been wrong all this time! Bikers are so nice. They chatted to me and held doors open for me and kissed my hand when they introduced themselves. The main biker guy looked like Alan Moore and he kept coming up to me and saying things like '...do you like cats?'. I got paid 50 which I mostly spent on drinking. Now I have a rotten hangover and I have a photoshoot today -- I'm hoping to convince the photographer that we needn't venture far from my house.
Or I'll just come to England and we'll play as a duo. Call ourselves the Pretty Faces?