so, went to a christmas party last night and got pretty wasted, which was fun. i always get pressured into taking shots, well i mean, i am a pretty easy target. but i did have a good time. however drinking on anti depressants isn't such a god idea and i know this, yet i do it anyway. ah, when will i ever learn.... oh well, it's the holidays, which means you are supposed to drown yourself in alcohol and take some pills to take the edge off, right? well, i think so...being around so much family always stresses me out. but only two more days of retail hell and then i can finally relax and just open some presents! alright, well it's time to finish my shopping. most likely will update after the holiday. merry christmas, everyone!!!
hello and thank you. happy holidays 

my formula is: shots of any color early, clear liquor/mixed drinks in the middle, and lots of whiskey & waters towards the end of the night. fun stuff!