Hunting animals:
To me, this "sport" would not exist if hunters had to kill wild animals with their bare hands, in other words, having to take down, say a bear with a knife instead of a rifle from a safe distance. Lets face it, saying that you hunt for sport is just saying, that you like to kill creatures that feel pain, creatures that have consciousness, who procreate just like us, that have as much right to walk this earth freely as humans do. I was about to say walk this earth freely without the fear that some asshole with a gun will shoot them for no reason. But, we humans have to worry about that very thing too dont we? I mean, I was just thinking about it and its such a chicken shit thing to do to hunt animals with a gun. I'm not saying that I agree with hunting animals at all, but there is absolutely nothing macho about hunting animals. Nothing. At. All. So many people who eat meat are so gung-ho about how much they love meat and most of them joke about killing animals for their meat, like that's all they're good for. Can you imagine if those people had to hunt for their meat. My guess is that most people wouldnt eat meat if it meant they had to gut an animal for it. Some people cant even stand the sight of blood. There's a reason that slaughter houses are located hundreds of miles from civilization, why they dont show videos at schools on how we get our meat like they would show a video on how ball point pens are made.
I'm curious as to when it became ok to kill animals to use all their shit for our use. How far back does that shit date back to? Prehistoric times? Maybe. How hungry did the first cave man have to get until he decided that he was going to kill that wooley mammoth for its meat, and not Zog, in the cave next door, who most certainly had meat in his body that could be eaten. Why the animals? Why dont we eat each other? Is it because we can talk? Because we can request verbally to not be eaten? What if animals could talk? Would we all be vegan?
To me, this "sport" would not exist if hunters had to kill wild animals with their bare hands, in other words, having to take down, say a bear with a knife instead of a rifle from a safe distance. Lets face it, saying that you hunt for sport is just saying, that you like to kill creatures that feel pain, creatures that have consciousness, who procreate just like us, that have as much right to walk this earth freely as humans do. I was about to say walk this earth freely without the fear that some asshole with a gun will shoot them for no reason. But, we humans have to worry about that very thing too dont we? I mean, I was just thinking about it and its such a chicken shit thing to do to hunt animals with a gun. I'm not saying that I agree with hunting animals at all, but there is absolutely nothing macho about hunting animals. Nothing. At. All. So many people who eat meat are so gung-ho about how much they love meat and most of them joke about killing animals for their meat, like that's all they're good for. Can you imagine if those people had to hunt for their meat. My guess is that most people wouldnt eat meat if it meant they had to gut an animal for it. Some people cant even stand the sight of blood. There's a reason that slaughter houses are located hundreds of miles from civilization, why they dont show videos at schools on how we get our meat like they would show a video on how ball point pens are made.
I'm curious as to when it became ok to kill animals to use all their shit for our use. How far back does that shit date back to? Prehistoric times? Maybe. How hungry did the first cave man have to get until he decided that he was going to kill that wooley mammoth for its meat, and not Zog, in the cave next door, who most certainly had meat in his body that could be eaten. Why the animals? Why dont we eat each other? Is it because we can talk? Because we can request verbally to not be eaten? What if animals could talk? Would we all be vegan?