so ive been fed up with my job for quite sometime. all of my old bosses walked off the job cause the company is run by fucking idiots, so to replace him they make an other fucking idiot the new supervisor. well im not an ass kisser like he is and i dont put up with his ego bullshit so he doesnt like me very much... now my lead hand quits yesterday cause he has had enough as well which leaves one guy running the place. so today i go job hunting and drive around for a couple hours and i decide to head to a place one of the old boss's shop he is now running, sure enough as i pull up my lead hand pulls up. thats fucking crazy! so we laugh our asses off and i talk to the old boss and he says after my new lead hand gets setup they will call me. he can probably use me and knows my work ethic so i should get a call next week. its great i will get the chance to learn all new kinds of stuff and possibly go up a few bucks an hour as well. i can feel the stress just leaving only thinking of the possibilities. this could really change my life and improve for the better. still fucking crazy! this would be the 3rd job in a row ive worked with him if i get hired, kinda creepy lol. crossin my fingers...
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fuck yeah!
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so i had a long weekend due to the job not paying over time but it … -
life changing
so ive been fed up with my job for quite sometime. all of my old bo…