been a little while since i have been on the site so i suppose i should do some updates. things have been crazy busy the past couple of weeks, work has been nuts because we had a project that had to be done so i got well over 30 hours of over time which will be nice on the first payday next week. i never...
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no this is not me but the story is interesting i think. i just opened up the pizza i ordered and had code geass playing when my dog started barking at the top of the stairs. im on the top floor so i was like what the fuck who is coming upstairs. turns out its the old lady next door, she walked into the room...
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So it has been a very tiring weekend, mostly good but very tiring. cant remember what i did friday which is a usual case. had to work saturday and it started off with an hour long nosebleed so that was awesome. so after that i put in a 9 hour shift then went and hung out with some friends till like 2 in the morning....
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well it was my first day at the new job and it was pretty great. working with some people i have previously worked with which is awesome and seems like a lot of the new guys are pretty good guys too. its nice to be able to get extra hours which will in turn pay things off which in turn will make my goals that...
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got a call from my former boss, i go for a drug test on monday afternoon so i can work for him and my other old boss. gonna be sick! same wage as my current job but alot of over time which will kinda suck but be nice cause then i can get caught up everything and get out of debt. im so excited! now...
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so i had a long weekend due to the job not paying over time but it was pretty good. job hunted friday and still hoping for the new job. had a party to go to friday night which was late and alot of fun. then had another get together saturday night so that left little sleep for snowboarding today but that was still fun! got...
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so ive been fed up with my job for quite sometime. all of my old bosses walked off the job cause the company is run by fucking idiots, so to replace him they make an other fucking idiot the new supervisor. well im not an ass kisser like he is and i dont put up with his ego bullshit so he doesnt like me very...
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well there is a blog section so lets put it to some use! ive only been a member for a 3 days but seems like a great way to sit my ass in the computer chair... so last night was the blackheart show and it was amazing! got there over an hour early so just kinda hung out until they let the vip in, being...
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