life's funny sometimes...
so there is this bar that i like to go to. I've been going occasionally the past couple months.
One of the reasons why is that there is this bartender I have a thing for.
It started a couple months back, I would admire her from afar. She's superhot x 100.
I still had a girlfriend then, and besides I have a personal "no hitting on bartenders" rule.
So fast forward a couple months, and I usually drag friends there like once a week, or every other week.
I would pine for her from the back and my friends would try to convince me to talk to her. I would decline.
So I was there last saturday with an old college roomie who was in town visiting. Of course I had to bring him there. We had our one drink in the back of the bar, but he convinced me to get another and to sit at the bar.
I obliged.
We sat and ordered our beers. We received and began drinking said beers. A few moments later, She comes over with one of those chalk pen things and starts drawing in front of me, on the bar. She draws this dinosaur-thing creature and it is saying "RARRR". It is absurdly adorable. She also doodles around my beer and writes "beer", and draws a circle between me and my friend and writes "shots" in it. She pours us two gratis tequila shots.
my heart is in her kung fu grip. Drawing, i think. If there is one thing I can keep up with, it's drawing. I grab a pen and couple of cocktail napkins and go to work. I bust out some vintage Devlin vikings and robots and leave them on the bar in clear sight.
She notices them and picks them up and does this little snort-giggle thing. I am not sure what to think.
She leaves and comes back with some tape and fastens them to the wall. Success?
We decide to have another drink.
She eventually works herself over to us and starts chatting. We talk for awhile and I can't believe how well this seems to be going. She asks if we want another drink. I say yes. I don't really want another Killian's, I merely seek to extend this night. It's closing in on 3am.
Around this time a couple walk in and sit down next to me at the bar. They appear to be friendly with Her and begin chatting. It is during this chat that I am quite sure I hear her utter the phrase "my boyfriend".
Shattered, I finish my drink and prepare to leave. She is across the bar and I give a half wave. She makes the effort to walk the length of the bar to say goodnight and shake my hand. I believe that to be significant.
I am down by the late revelation, but my buddy Joe tells me to buck up. I laid the foundation and actually seemed kinda into me.
Skip to the following Thursday. I am at an office function after work. Much alcohol is consumed. I decide going to see Her is a good idea. I take along my friend Diane (and another lady coworker) for a female perspective. Is She really flirting and possibly interested, or just a friendly barkeep?
We arrive and saddle up to the bar. She gives me a smile and warm hello. We chat a bit. I give her one of my illustration postcards which triggers some conversation about art. She asks me about my tattoos. Turns out she has a small one on her leg. Cute.
She is regularly shooting looks and smiles at me. Sticking her tongue out and giggling. I look to Diane for guidance and she confirms, yes, this girl is definitely flirting with me. She consistently lingers in front of me at the bar and seems to be looking for conversation. I do my best, but I'm having a hard time. This girl is GORGEOUS and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this.
My lady friends are convinced that she's interested and at the end of the night, I go for it. I say goodnight and ask her if I could give her a call sometime. She smiles and says "well...I have a boyfriend...but if I didn't, you definitely could". Sigh. Melt. Oh well.
We leave. I feel somehow disappointed and energized. I then find out that while I was in the restroom, She openly complained about her boyfriend to my friends. Clearly they are going to tell me that information.
So now, I guess I just wait it out...keep going back, hang out, be cool. See what happens.
If anything, it's a nice little ego boost because I haven't been feeling all that great about myself lately.
The question is now, do I go back this Thursday? or is that too much? Hmmm....
And also, by my count that is now three (3) totally amazing girls in my life that have essentially admitted they like me/are interested me/ or secretly love me that all have boyfriends. Kill me.
life's funny sometimes.

so there is this bar that i like to go to. I've been going occasionally the past couple months.
One of the reasons why is that there is this bartender I have a thing for.
It started a couple months back, I would admire her from afar. She's superhot x 100.
I still had a girlfriend then, and besides I have a personal "no hitting on bartenders" rule.
So fast forward a couple months, and I usually drag friends there like once a week, or every other week.
I would pine for her from the back and my friends would try to convince me to talk to her. I would decline.
So I was there last saturday with an old college roomie who was in town visiting. Of course I had to bring him there. We had our one drink in the back of the bar, but he convinced me to get another and to sit at the bar.
I obliged.
We sat and ordered our beers. We received and began drinking said beers. A few moments later, She comes over with one of those chalk pen things and starts drawing in front of me, on the bar. She draws this dinosaur-thing creature and it is saying "RARRR". It is absurdly adorable. She also doodles around my beer and writes "beer", and draws a circle between me and my friend and writes "shots" in it. She pours us two gratis tequila shots.
my heart is in her kung fu grip. Drawing, i think. If there is one thing I can keep up with, it's drawing. I grab a pen and couple of cocktail napkins and go to work. I bust out some vintage Devlin vikings and robots and leave them on the bar in clear sight.
She notices them and picks them up and does this little snort-giggle thing. I am not sure what to think.
She leaves and comes back with some tape and fastens them to the wall. Success?
We decide to have another drink.
She eventually works herself over to us and starts chatting. We talk for awhile and I can't believe how well this seems to be going. She asks if we want another drink. I say yes. I don't really want another Killian's, I merely seek to extend this night. It's closing in on 3am.
Around this time a couple walk in and sit down next to me at the bar. They appear to be friendly with Her and begin chatting. It is during this chat that I am quite sure I hear her utter the phrase "my boyfriend".
Shattered, I finish my drink and prepare to leave. She is across the bar and I give a half wave. She makes the effort to walk the length of the bar to say goodnight and shake my hand. I believe that to be significant.
I am down by the late revelation, but my buddy Joe tells me to buck up. I laid the foundation and actually seemed kinda into me.
Skip to the following Thursday. I am at an office function after work. Much alcohol is consumed. I decide going to see Her is a good idea. I take along my friend Diane (and another lady coworker) for a female perspective. Is She really flirting and possibly interested, or just a friendly barkeep?
We arrive and saddle up to the bar. She gives me a smile and warm hello. We chat a bit. I give her one of my illustration postcards which triggers some conversation about art. She asks me about my tattoos. Turns out she has a small one on her leg. Cute.
She is regularly shooting looks and smiles at me. Sticking her tongue out and giggling. I look to Diane for guidance and she confirms, yes, this girl is definitely flirting with me. She consistently lingers in front of me at the bar and seems to be looking for conversation. I do my best, but I'm having a hard time. This girl is GORGEOUS and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this.
My lady friends are convinced that she's interested and at the end of the night, I go for it. I say goodnight and ask her if I could give her a call sometime. She smiles and says "well...I have a boyfriend...but if I didn't, you definitely could". Sigh. Melt. Oh well.
We leave. I feel somehow disappointed and energized. I then find out that while I was in the restroom, She openly complained about her boyfriend to my friends. Clearly they are going to tell me that information.
So now, I guess I just wait it out...keep going back, hang out, be cool. See what happens.
If anything, it's a nice little ego boost because I haven't been feeling all that great about myself lately.
The question is now, do I go back this Thursday? or is that too much? Hmmm....
And also, by my count that is now three (3) totally amazing girls in my life that have essentially admitted they like me/are interested me/ or secretly love me that all have boyfriends. Kill me.
life's funny sometimes.

now come into chat so i can wave at you on my webcam.