So the worlds largest mall got evacuated today because of a was soooo smokey. We couldn't see across the mall, and security is all"well, stay there a bit longer and if it gets worse we'll evacuate" meanwhile the firemen are going by yelling at us to get no more work for me today
What's really funny is I was in a pissy mood lookinag at my boss thinking"I hate my job and I wish this place would just burn to the ground" and then smoke started to fill the mall...Apparently my pyrokenisis lessons are finally paying off!!!

What's really funny is I was in a pissy mood lookinag at my boss thinking"I hate my job and I wish this place would just burn to the ground" and then smoke started to fill the mall...Apparently my pyrokenisis lessons are finally paying off!!!
Pyrokenisis is for chumps... mmmm matches.