Hows it goin?
Its been a long time since my last post. Imma try to make it a happier one.
Lets see, nothing really has been happening. I moved back to mass in january(cant remember if i said that in the last post or b4 that one) I dont have a job yet(sucky) My car is dead and i dont have the money to fix it(even more suckier) So im pretty much in the same boat i was in b4 i moved to new hampshire, cept this time i have a car i cant use instead of no car not to use lol.
I really should upload a buncha pics on here but im lazy right now. I might upload one and save the rest for tomorrow when i wake up. Sid has inspired me to take pictures again. Thought all would be lost when the last girl that inspired me to take pictures wound up to be a complete bitch and a fake.
Well i guess thats all. Its fuckin snowin here in mass, so sick of the snow already i just want it to be summer so i can frikin skate again!!!!!!!
Anywho, im off to bed. Night.
Hows it goin?
Its been a long time since my last post. Imma try to make it a happier one.
Lets see, nothing really has been happening. I moved back to mass in january(cant remember if i said that in the last post or b4 that one) I dont have a job yet(sucky) My car is dead and i dont have the money to fix it(even more suckier) So im pretty much in the same boat i was in b4 i moved to new hampshire, cept this time i have a car i cant use instead of no car not to use lol.
I really should upload a buncha pics on here but im lazy right now. I might upload one and save the rest for tomorrow when i wake up. Sid has inspired me to take pictures again. Thought all would be lost when the last girl that inspired me to take pictures wound up to be a complete bitch and a fake.

Well i guess thats all. Its fuckin snowin here in mass, so sick of the snow already i just want it to be summer so i can frikin skate again!!!!!!!

Good luck with the photography. It's good to feel inspired.