ive come to tell you all about my computer.
1. it takes 47min to sign into msn.
2. i feel like a 'slow child at play' because it takes about 2-3min to load a single page, and it freezes up antime anything to do with msn is happening.
3. i take back number one. im not signed in yet.
4. it wont do me any good if its on the ground out side my window.
i could go on.. but ill spare you the points about what i want to do to it when it pisses me off.
so anyway.. life. umm well tomorrow marks 1year and 6months that Sean and I have been together. im very happy. we have half of first and last saved so far. so moving out seems to be closer.
i didnt work at the Bucket last night, i got a phone call saying that they didnt need me. well wtf. i need the hours. im there for the money not to help out. i cant say i didnt enjoy the night off.. i just really could have used the hours. especially since im the only one that works there that doesnt work behind the bar, so i already make only half the tips i could be. fuck i hate being pushed around. and now they're gonna lose another bartender and be unprepared because i was trained for bartending. ok i was.. but Klaus doesnt know that.
(5. no msn today.)
oh and then there is IGA. I say i work wed-sat at the bar, which worked perfect because i was working pretty much mon-thurs at iga. now she gave bex the mon and tues shifts and has me working wed-sat. WTF. those are my mondays, and that makes no fucking sence. so now i work double shifts for a half a week. yay 3 days off 4days working until i die. FUCK this pisses me off. im also scheduled for fri-sun of the long weekend in deli when i told her i could work at least one day and she agreed. so ill be working 7shifts in 4 days. thanx everyone.. i hate long weeknds.. how did you know i wanted to work it all away
so now that ive got that off my chest.. i bought a new skirt the other day i love it!! its like a cargo skirt with a bunch of pockets. its cute. i also got a hat for both of us. its a corona hat. matches my skirt haha. bought a fan for my room too... its fucking hott up there.
my burn is getting better i can actually reach up with out hurting badly. but my nose has peeled right off haha. its all red and funny looking. (btw i got a reallllly bad sunburn on saturday when i was in london. i could barely move for days. i was red.. as red as olive coloured skin could be)
well i think thats a good enough update for now, as you may have noticed by now im not on much.. not by choice though. but i think i need to make some more friends on here so that i can write these blogs with out feeling like its a waste of time haha. off to work.

1. it takes 47min to sign into msn.
2. i feel like a 'slow child at play' because it takes about 2-3min to load a single page, and it freezes up antime anything to do with msn is happening.
3. i take back number one. im not signed in yet.
4. it wont do me any good if its on the ground out side my window.
i could go on.. but ill spare you the points about what i want to do to it when it pisses me off.
so anyway.. life. umm well tomorrow marks 1year and 6months that Sean and I have been together. im very happy. we have half of first and last saved so far. so moving out seems to be closer.
i didnt work at the Bucket last night, i got a phone call saying that they didnt need me. well wtf. i need the hours. im there for the money not to help out. i cant say i didnt enjoy the night off.. i just really could have used the hours. especially since im the only one that works there that doesnt work behind the bar, so i already make only half the tips i could be. fuck i hate being pushed around. and now they're gonna lose another bartender and be unprepared because i was trained for bartending. ok i was.. but Klaus doesnt know that.
(5. no msn today.)
oh and then there is IGA. I say i work wed-sat at the bar, which worked perfect because i was working pretty much mon-thurs at iga. now she gave bex the mon and tues shifts and has me working wed-sat. WTF. those are my mondays, and that makes no fucking sence. so now i work double shifts for a half a week. yay 3 days off 4days working until i die. FUCK this pisses me off. im also scheduled for fri-sun of the long weekend in deli when i told her i could work at least one day and she agreed. so ill be working 7shifts in 4 days. thanx everyone.. i hate long weeknds.. how did you know i wanted to work it all away

so now that ive got that off my chest.. i bought a new skirt the other day i love it!! its like a cargo skirt with a bunch of pockets. its cute. i also got a hat for both of us. its a corona hat. matches my skirt haha. bought a fan for my room too... its fucking hott up there.
my burn is getting better i can actually reach up with out hurting badly. but my nose has peeled right off haha. its all red and funny looking. (btw i got a reallllly bad sunburn on saturday when i was in london. i could barely move for days. i was red.. as red as olive coloured skin could be)
well i think thats a good enough update for now, as you may have noticed by now im not on much.. not by choice though. but i think i need to make some more friends on here so that i can write these blogs with out feeling like its a waste of time haha. off to work.