I glimpsed briefly a muse, a dark fairy come full circle to the light. She whispered in my ear. These were her words.
Beautiful glistening child of the dark,
lightened path by the forest trees,
do you hear now the call?
Whirlwind cluttered tapestries
they flutter by briefly
a glimpse of their tormented past.
She stalks me- the raven
eyes of the bluest clear water lake
tiny swells of emotion ripple by.
The explosion of light fleets past
pale mockeries of life twist
mingling together a prismatic ray.
Worn now by dark stalkers
physical perfection melted away
handing me the shiniest apple.
Ebbs and flows of the weaver
drawn taught by a spinning wheel
a brief collision is imminent.
Sore muscles and aching jaws
a thousand sarcastic smiles
muses whisper in my ear.
Salty shores on a ragged beach
warm rain at the edge of dawn
we still cherish the trinket lost.
Beautiful glistening child of the dark,
lightened path by the forest trees,
do you hear now the call?
Whirlwind cluttered tapestries
they flutter by briefly
a glimpse of their tormented past.
She stalks me- the raven
eyes of the bluest clear water lake
tiny swells of emotion ripple by.
The explosion of light fleets past
pale mockeries of life twist
mingling together a prismatic ray.
Worn now by dark stalkers
physical perfection melted away
handing me the shiniest apple.
Ebbs and flows of the weaver
drawn taught by a spinning wheel
a brief collision is imminent.
Sore muscles and aching jaws
a thousand sarcastic smiles
muses whisper in my ear.
Salty shores on a ragged beach
warm rain at the edge of dawn
we still cherish the trinket lost.
wow, that is beautiful.