Work work work..
Just got home and I have to be out of the house in 6 hours so I can get to work on time.
Don't really have to much time to update between saturday and wednesdays. Kind of sad.
On a brighter note
is in town. I should have stopped by a bar and said hi, but I didn't cuz I suck and it would have been closed by the time I got there. Sorry Syn, I suck.
Anyways, I have to cram in lots of emails in the next ten minutes so I am outtie..
Almost forgot though.. Someone asked for a one word write up of what people think of them. I hate those questions. If someone can sum up your exsistance and friendship in one word.. well yeah.. It would be sad. Everyone is worth at least 2 words.
Just got home and I have to be out of the house in 6 hours so I can get to work on time.
Don't really have to much time to update between saturday and wednesdays. Kind of sad.
On a brighter note

Anyways, I have to cram in lots of emails in the next ten minutes so I am outtie..
Almost forgot though.. Someone asked for a one word write up of what people think of them. I hate those questions. If someone can sum up your exsistance and friendship in one word.. well yeah.. It would be sad. Everyone is worth at least 2 words.

and I thought I was going to get some sleep.
you still update a whole lot more than I do!