Back to my sam old routine..work, work and more work.
My weekend was alot fun. I had an excellent time with Lightchlde. We went to the movies twice and stayed in and rented two movies. He did sleep most of the time. Damn, he sleeps alot. He is great company and I will definately miss him. kiss
I found the book at a second hand store for 4 bucks eeek best day ever.. or it would have been, except for the fact I left my money/bankcards ar school.. If its still their thursday however *insert evil laugh*

I'm glad you had a good weekend smile
whay do you want to know surreal ??????????????????

What up with your picks eeek

[Edited on Jun 16, 2005 7:37PM]
Lightchylde is visiting. So far so good. He is an awesome guy. He is actually laying in the bed next to my computer snoring. Haha!!
love kiss love kiss love kiss
I live for random comments recieved.
Oooh, have fun you two wink
My nipples are so sore. I know that sounds insane but they are. I can't even touch them, for like no reason at all. This has never happened to me before. My buddy called me lsat night. On Friday he was in a motorcycle accident and alost died. the bike went over something and he lost control. the bike broke a tree in two and...
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awwww! Shame to hear about your friend! And hope you feel better wink
Sorry to hear about your friends, 2 crashes in one season what are the odds of that? The Book Of Bunny Suicides was my favorite book to sell when i worked in a bookstore! I had no idea that a second book was out . kiss thanks for the heads up, i'm gonna have to go shopping!
As always I am consumed by my own thoughts. Feeling rather depressed and loney. I have been working non-stop for the passed two weeks trying to keep my mind off of things. I can't help but wonder if I will ever be happy or if I am destined to be miserable forever. I have been trying to be upbeat and happy but inside I am...
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Lady, I'm sorry about David. I don't think you told me who he is but I'm sorry anyways. Everyone is scared of dying alone. I think it's part of the human condition. Other then David though, why so bummed? WE GET TO SEE EACH OTHER THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. Shit, I get on the plane tomarrow! God I can't stop thinking about it. This is going to rock. 3 and half days with my lady. smile love Oh, and my aim is horrible right now. That's why I wasn't on last night. It will let me log on then it just keeps kicking me off and then signing back on over and over and over. It's really anoying. It's crap!!!! mad Almost 24 hours left. Then I get to hold you. Yay!!!!!!!!! Hang in there lady. It can't rain all the time. kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
I kind of know how you feel. I think the secret to life is to keep yourself busy all the time.
Idle hands do the Devil's work, but that's nothing compared to the mischief the brain will create.
My day was long and kinda sucked. I woke up and cleaned my car. Then i mowed the lawn. By the time I was done It was time to go to work. I finally ate at 3pm and Got home at 8pm. Long ass day of nothing exciting.
Only good thing that has happened lately is I got my victoria's secret order in.
skull X skull X...
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Damn is someone a little jealous. biggrin Now they are all going to be imagining you ripping my clothes off and banging me instead of some thongs and bras. Thanks tongue
Hey baby yeah my brother is alright he get's the few days off so that's a good thing.
I hope everything on your side is fine biggrin
you have my prayers smile
love and kiss
Went to a birthday party today and tomorrow is my niece's 8th birthday. This past week has been insane. I have almost doubled my hours which is good but it also sucks cause I am so fucking tired all the time.
I skull u!

SGT. much love
Well happy birthday and say hi to your neice kiss .
later Evil robot
All work and no play... Although I guess a mortuary is not the kind of place where playing goes over well. biggrin
I dyed my hair so its finally dark again. Which makes me extremely happy. I have had to work almost double my hours this past week. I have been exhusted. I fell asleep when I was talking to Lightchylde on im. Sorry about that!!!!
I am on like zombie mode right now. All I care about is eating and sleeping, cause I don't have much...
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MY GOD DAMMED FUCKING PHONE DIED AGAIN!!!!! AND JUST WHEN I GOT IT BACK!!!!!. I'm sorry lady! I'm buying a new one tomarrow and that's it. I tried iming you but you were away. Probably waiting for my call. frown I will call you at some point tomarrow, and screw the mins. Dreaming of you if I don't talk to you before I crash. love
I was waiting for your call. I tried to stay awake by cleaning and unpacking, but I ended up falling asleep on the middle of the floor. I woke up in the middle of the night and checked the computer but you weren't on, so I layed down on my bed and went to sleep. frown
I didnot sleep at all last night. Almost went off the road like three times on my way to work. I have been up since three o'clock in the morning on Friday. I am beyond tired. I almost fell asleep brushing my teeth. Since I have to be up at 3am agin for work I am going to bed.
I miss you sgt. I haven't...
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Hey sexy I'm doing fine I hope everything is all right with you love and kiss .
You can skip episode I and II as they both suck. The only good part in I is the lightsaber scene at the end altho I hear III blows it away. hehehehehe
Saw the Longest Yard today. It was fucking funny. I loved it. The funny part was, I was there with 3 correctional officers. I keep asking if they were rooting of the c.o.'s or the inmates. All I got was pissed off glances. Definately worth seeing.
I worked an extra hour today which sucked cause I was tired. Did I mention I also saw Madagascar...
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That movie looks funny as shit. I wanna check out Episode III first tho. I heard the dialouge and acting suck but it has some badass fight scenes hehhehehe biggrin
So you're on a rotating schedule? that's even better whatever I totally need to see some movies in the theatre. I'll let you know if I see anything good.
I went shopping today and bought girly things at Victoria's Secret. I also found a gothic but formal dress. I found it online so I still have to order it, but at least I know what I want. I love corsets. The top is a corset and the bottom is tulle, long and all black. I am very sure that it is the one I...
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nice. I feel your pain, waking up at the ass crack of dawn. I did that for a while, recently upgraded to 6am.
Is good that you went shopping I bet you look real beautiful in those dress you'll problaby look like a real godess love . Waking up at 3 I would understand the feeling 4 to 5am to try to get in before 6:30 I hope you get plenty of rest kiss .