As always I am consumed by my own thoughts. Feeling rather depressed and loney. I have been working non-stop for the passed two weeks trying to keep my mind off of things. I can't help but wonder if I will ever be happy or if I am destined to be miserable forever. I have been trying to be upbeat and happy but inside I am still alone. David was found dead today in his home. All I could do was think about how no one found him in over a week and a half. I don't want to end up like him dead at 32 all alone. His cousin called me today and asked me about the coroner and where the chief medical examiners office was and if they would let him see the body. The whole conversation left me sick. Not because of the death and decaying body but because he died alone. He had money and social status but it meant nothing cause he had no one to share it with. I haven't gone to the gym in over a week. It is the only thing that makes me feel good and I am just to depressed to drag myself there.

I kind of know how you feel. I think the secret to life is to keep yourself busy all the time.
Idle hands do the Devil's work, but that's nothing compared to the mischief the brain will create.