Saw the Longest Yard today. It was fucking funny. I loved it. The funny part was, I was there with 3 correctional officers. I keep asking if they were rooting of the c.o.'s or the inmates. All I got was pissed off glances. Definately worth seeing.
I worked an extra hour today which sucked cause I was tired. Did I mention I also saw Madagascar today. Tomorrow I have to work nine hours which totally blows. The only good part is that I don't have to be in till 11am. I still have to be up early because need to go to the gym and that takes two hours and then have enough time to get ready for work.
L u
I worked an extra hour today which sucked cause I was tired. Did I mention I also saw Madagascar today. Tomorrow I have to work nine hours which totally blows. The only good part is that I don't have to be in till 11am. I still have to be up early because need to go to the gym and that takes two hours and then have enough time to get ready for work.
L u

That movie looks funny as shit. I wanna check out Episode III first tho. I heard the dialouge and acting suck but it has some badass fight scenes hehhehehe

So you're on a rotating schedule? that's even better
I totally need to see some movies in the theatre. I'll let you know if I see anything good.