i have no more friends. this is somewhat upsetting. oh well. in other news, i bought dante's inferno as translated by the irish poet Ciaran Carson...i can't wait to start reading it. although, i probably won't have much time in the coming months because classes start tomorrow...ugh...i still have to find a fourth one...so far i'm taking "writing about the outdoors," "experiments in journalism," and "sonic networks: discourses and practices in music today" all of which i hope to aid me in my quest to become the best music journalist ever!!! someday, i will rule you all! on a completely unrelated side note, did anyone watch the state of the union address tonight? and did it make anyone else go
?...it shocks me that george w. bush is the leader of our nation, not to mention such a gigantic hypocrite, and one who cares not about the affairs of the people he supposedly governs, but rather is one of the more self involved presidents i've encountered...although i can't say that i've encountered many. i've only recently started getting interested in politics, and before that, paid no attention whatsoever to any of it. i blame it all on "eagle"! it's a manga comic that my friend ian made me read that's all about the first asian-american president. i'm going to agree with ian here and say that for something written in japan for a japanese audience and by a japanese author, it holds a large amount of very intelligent insight into the way our government works. i suggest reading it, even if you have no interest in such matters, because it will make you interested. on that note, i'm going to go to bed and sleep restlessly (that doesn't look right), for i don't want to start classes. boo!
p.s.-"are they boo-ing?"
"no sir, i believe they're saying 'boo-urns'...yes, they're chanting 'boo-urns,' not boo-ing you..."
"i was saying boo-urns..."
p.s.-"are they boo-ing?"
"no sir, i believe they're saying 'boo-urns'...yes, they're chanting 'boo-urns,' not boo-ing you..."
"i was saying boo-urns..."
yes, 'lullaby' is really very good. a lot of people say that they don't think chuck did very well with the character-development, but i thought it was fine. the ideas, yeah, they're horrifying, in that book. really good stuff. he's a genius, after all.