"T pauses. 'You wanna know a secret about clowns?'
I nod.
'They know they scared kids and they did it anyway.' T says she knows this for a fact, having heard her mother's coworkers talking after hours. 'They'd score the little bastards in decibels, getting a real kick out of the way the parents sweated, struggling with some squirming, panicky kid.' She pauses to compose a cap for her feelings, and comes up with this:
'Never underestimate the bitterness of clowns.'" -David Sosnowski, Vamped
i wanna be a clown.
I nod.
'They know they scared kids and they did it anyway.' T says she knows this for a fact, having heard her mother's coworkers talking after hours. 'They'd score the little bastards in decibels, getting a real kick out of the way the parents sweated, struggling with some squirming, panicky kid.' She pauses to compose a cap for her feelings, and comes up with this:
'Never underestimate the bitterness of clowns.'" -David Sosnowski, Vamped
i wanna be a clown.
clown like wayne gacy?

thanks for the happy bday doood