okay, how great was new girl week? and it's still not over. this makes it extremely hard to just have 3 favorites. i'm just going to have to continually keep my favorites in rotation as new sets keep coming out. my apologies to all y'all who where on the list. you'll be back, don't worry. you're all my favorites. i got the boysetsfire "live for today" 10-inch today. it's amazing. everyone should buy it. on vinyl though, not the cd-ep version. the vinyl was released by equal vision, home to such wonderful bands as american nothing, liars academy, converge, and many more. the cd-ep was released by wind-up, the label that is home to creed. you make the decision. in other news, i'm not doing any of the work that i should be. hoorah for procrastination! it is the combined savior and destroyer of my mental health. i'm so torn! gar....i think you should all go check out http://maladjusted-comics.com/ it's the internet comic that my friends lenna and ian put out every tuesday and friday. it's hilarious, and gives you a little taste of the insanity that i deal with on a daily basis. it makes me giggle uncontrollably until my ass falls off. enjoy.
More Blogs
Sunday Feb 25, 2007
movies from this weekend: lifeforce great 80s cheese, featuring n… -
Wednesday Feb 21, 2007
watched center of the world tonight. it was shot on low-quality dv--… -
Tuesday Feb 20, 2007
so i just watched women of the world (la donna nel mondo) and it was … -
Tuesday Feb 20, 2007
yes! now that's it's been almost a year since my last update, i'm go… -
Tuesday Mar 21, 2006
so. that whole thing about updating more often? i guess it was a co… -
Monday Oct 10, 2005
so yeah. it's been a damn long while since i've updated. i didn't h… -
Tuesday May 31, 2005
i'm movin' to hackenslash! in other, more frightening news, i go to … -
Tuesday Feb 15, 2005
so i know i'm about a year late, but the new(est) clutch album kicks … -
Sunday Feb 13, 2005
i played dance dance revolution last night for the first time. i mus… -
Saturday Jan 29, 2005
well, it's official. i'm the happiest man on the planet right now. …
take care
made me laugh at work...
reminds me of some people i used to know...