well friends and neighbors, i'm going to have to say bye bye for a little while. my membership dues are due and i've got all of $2 in my bank account. but have no fears. i'll be back. even if i'm unable to find a post-graduation job, i'll sell some cds or something. you can't keep me away for long! i guess this is for the better for a bit because now i won't have the site to distract me in these last couple weeks before i pass my final work in. wish me luck, and i'll be back soon.
-How long have you been listening to AFI?since the first time i saw them in 1995
-How were you first introduced to them?they were on tour with the swinging utters.
-What attracted you to the band?i was young and into punkrock and those guys were punk rock and they like
-What is your favorite album/song/lyric, and why?
-lyric"Nothing from nowhere, I'm no one at all"
Radiate, recognize one silent call
As we all form one dark flame
song-the despair factor
album-the art of drowning
-How many times have you seen the band live? Any good stories? about 12 times, alot more back in the day when they wer'nt so famous..
-Do you have any AFI tattoos or scarifications?no but my wife is getting some..
-If yes, what are they, and what inspired you to get them?
-Do you think youll ever regret it? Why or why not?if i had an AFI tattoo i would wear it proudly like a badge of honor.
-If you dont have any AFI tattoos or scarifications, why not?
because there not my favorit band, i love AFI but, i don't know them on a personal level, so just being a big fan i feel like i would be a poser by getting an AFI tattoo.. i got goldfinger tattoos because there my friends and im close with them.
-How have AFI and their music served you in your life?they have just made great music that hit a chord with me, they hav'nt rellay served my life
-Are you a member of the Despair Faction?
not yet.
-How do you feel about AFI videos being shown on MTV?
i think it's great they deserve to have some air play it's only fare there's a millon bands out there that suck, and they have been at it for 10 years now so more props to them..
i think since (sing the sorrows) has come out alot of old fans like to say they sold out, but they'll stand there wearing an AFI shirt , and im like hey you're wearing there shirt, and they'll say but thjats old AFI, and i have to say .hey man i just saw them and they played all old stuff so wy are you bitching...
-What other bands do you listen to/How would you classify your musical tastes
hardcorepunkghettogansta thats how you clasisify me.
i hope that helps you out, let me know if you need anything else.. i would also like to read it whan your done..