i'm so excited for my radio show tomorrow night. it's going to be devoted entirely to horror-punk. i wanted to do it on halloween, but unfortunately, the computer that broadcasts the show was down...but i get to do it tomorrow night! yes! i don't know if the feed goes beyond hampshire's campus, but if you want, you can check it out at http://www.yurt.org/ click on the giant link that says "click here to listen!" it's from 8-9:30...yay shameless self promotion....in other news, i got new cds the other day. the new cave in rules, but it's kind of a departure, if bad astronaut has a collective drinking problem, it's alright with me, koufax is always good for some indie pop, and the new ours record rules...it's like robert smith took a journey to the afterworld, gave jeff buckley goth lessons, and brought him back as a rock-zombie.
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