evil breed: the legend of samhain
i try to keep an open mind when it comes to low-budget horror, since most horror is by nature low-budget, and if i didn't at least give the cheap stuff a chance, i would have missed out on some pretty good movies (like 2001 maniacs, pervert!,may, freak out, and abominable).
however, for every good movie that i see, there are probably about 5 or 6 bad ones, and evil breed is one of the bad ones.
i've seen worse--at least the gore (even if the effects are troma-worthy) is over the top and ridiculous, which is always entertaining (one guy gets his intestines ripped out through his asshole and he's then strangled with them), but unfortunately, there is nothing but a list of complaints aside from that.
the acting is atrocious--though when a huge part of the actors in your movie are either canadian frat boys, porn stars, or richard grieco, i guess you can't expect much.
and then there's the dialogue. oof. karen douglas (played by bobbie phillips, a red shoe diaries recurring star), even frequently repeats herself, as if she (or the actor playing against her) can't remember what line comes next.
here's an example of some of the top-notch writing:
stupid girl: "we brought a map"
irish caretaker: "it will only lead you to hell!"
that may, on the surface, sound kind of funny. it's not. it's said with an over the top, over-acted, horrible irish accent that is more irritating than funny.
and then there's the title--it doesn't really have anything at all to do with "samhain" other than that it takes place at roughly the same time of year. it has more to do with ripping off the hills have eyes, texas chainsaw massacre, and jack ketchum's the off season. plus, there's only one person in the entire movie that actually pronounces the word correctly ("sow-win," not "sam-hane") but they write it off as being the "irish" way of pronouncing it. okay, if the word itself is fucking irish, then that's probably how it should be pronounced. you wouldn't say "hors d'oeuvre" "whores deh-orve."
oh, and if i have to watch one more movie where the killers are fucking mouthbreathers, i'm going to throw my dvd player out the window. it's not creepy, it's annoying.
2 out of 5
i try to keep an open mind when it comes to low-budget horror, since most horror is by nature low-budget, and if i didn't at least give the cheap stuff a chance, i would have missed out on some pretty good movies (like 2001 maniacs, pervert!,may, freak out, and abominable).
however, for every good movie that i see, there are probably about 5 or 6 bad ones, and evil breed is one of the bad ones.
i've seen worse--at least the gore (even if the effects are troma-worthy) is over the top and ridiculous, which is always entertaining (one guy gets his intestines ripped out through his asshole and he's then strangled with them), but unfortunately, there is nothing but a list of complaints aside from that.
the acting is atrocious--though when a huge part of the actors in your movie are either canadian frat boys, porn stars, or richard grieco, i guess you can't expect much.
and then there's the dialogue. oof. karen douglas (played by bobbie phillips, a red shoe diaries recurring star), even frequently repeats herself, as if she (or the actor playing against her) can't remember what line comes next.
here's an example of some of the top-notch writing:
stupid girl: "we brought a map"
irish caretaker: "it will only lead you to hell!"
that may, on the surface, sound kind of funny. it's not. it's said with an over the top, over-acted, horrible irish accent that is more irritating than funny.
and then there's the title--it doesn't really have anything at all to do with "samhain" other than that it takes place at roughly the same time of year. it has more to do with ripping off the hills have eyes, texas chainsaw massacre, and jack ketchum's the off season. plus, there's only one person in the entire movie that actually pronounces the word correctly ("sow-win," not "sam-hane") but they write it off as being the "irish" way of pronouncing it. okay, if the word itself is fucking irish, then that's probably how it should be pronounced. you wouldn't say "hors d'oeuvre" "whores deh-orve."
oh, and if i have to watch one more movie where the killers are fucking mouthbreathers, i'm going to throw my dvd player out the window. it's not creepy, it's annoying.
2 out of 5