can i just share how much i love working at a record store? i've gotten about 50 free cds since starting back there a month ago. i don't even have time to listen to them all. i'll get to them eventually. for now they'll just sit in a pile on my floor waiting to be paid attention to. in other news, i'm trying really hard to set myself up a website to host all of the record reviews that i did for the omen last year, plus a whole bunch that i plan on adding over the summer. if anyone can help me out with the whole uploading onto the internet thing, that'd be great. i already have webspace that my school gave to me for free, and a copy of dreamweaver 3 that i stole off of the network at school if that helps. in other news i've been reading sherlock holmes and watching a lot of family guy in my spare time. dvds are magical things.
Even scarier is that the French now have reality tv and their own jerry springer.
i alway wanted to work at a record store, empire records style.