so i went to a midnight showing of aliens vs. predator last night..and being a fan of the alien movies..i fucking loved it...although i was one of the few rooting for the aliens to win...fuck predator...no, but it was a really cool movie..all action..not my typical favorite kind of movie...but still good...
yesterday morning/afternoon was spent at the beach..and i'm fucking crispy....right now i have a hand towel soaked in cold water draped across my shoulders....it was the first time i took my white ass out to the beach so far this summer...and i'm paying for it now...
on a gay note...some dolphins swam within arms reach...it was cool...josh got scared cause our back were to them and all he saw were some fins...he was like "uh guys you might want to come this way"...it was funny...
so i went to a midnight showing of aliens vs. predator last night..and being a fan of the alien movies..i fucking loved it...although i was one of the few rooting for the aliens to win...fuck predator...no, but it was a really cool movie..all action..not my typical favorite kind of movie...but still good...
yesterday morning/afternoon was spent at the beach..and i'm fucking crispy....right now i have a hand towel soaked in cold water draped across my shoulders....it was the first time i took my white ass out to the beach so far this summer...and i'm paying for it now...
on a gay note...some dolphins swam within arms reach...it was cool...josh got scared cause our back were to them and all he saw were some fins...he was like "uh guys you might want to come this way"...it was funny...
i need to see your tattoos again...you will know why if you read my journal entry!

i am not so sure that i am interested in seeing alien v predator. i am just not an action movie kind of girl.