these little visits are getting to be few and far between...
so i was playing oblivion today...i got to level 30...i was trying to up my stats..and was doing quite a bang up job of it...when i decided to eat some ingredients so i could up my alchemy (probably my lowest stat of all, along with blunt and hand-to-hand...)...so i went to my treasure chest...got one of each ingredient and proceeded to eat them..one by one...only i accidently ate a poisoned apple (a la sleeping beauty) that i had...and now i'm dying...i can't cure it...i went to the chapel...i can't go to sleep because i'll die when i wake up...and, of course, i hadn't saved in like a couple hours...i'll just have to reload my last save...fuck me...
ps -- sorry i'm lame and i talked about video games instead of my life...but this is way more interesting..believe me...
these little visits are getting to be few and far between...
so i was playing oblivion today...i got to level 30...i was trying to up my stats..and was doing quite a bang up job of it...when i decided to eat some ingredients so i could up my alchemy (probably my lowest stat of all, along with blunt and hand-to-hand...)...so i went to my treasure chest...got one of each ingredient and proceeded to eat them..one by one...only i accidently ate a poisoned apple (a la sleeping beauty) that i had...and now i'm dying...i can't cure it...i went to the chapel...i can't go to sleep because i'll die when i wake up...and, of course, i hadn't saved in like a couple hours...i'll just have to reload my last save...fuck me...
ps -- sorry i'm lame and i talked about video games instead of my life...but this is way more interesting..believe me...

Video games memories are my ealiest memories and quite often my fondest(Take that however you will) So hey, no need to apologize just give us your memories however you see fit. My Memory machine needs fuel sir I can't waste time here if you won't assist. Make with the storytelling. Or else I should look for a suitable supply elsewhere.