holy crap...(wait...first of all i wantto saythat thiskeyboardsucksandi'mnot going to seperate these wordsindividually when thespacebardoesn't do it's damn job...)...
so yeah..where were we?....thanks for all thebirthday wishes....it means a lot to me...sorrythat it took meso long to see them..i just got online today.....i've been away because i don't havemy computer hookedup yet....and it'll getdone...i'm just lazy...
didi mention that i quit myjob?...yeah...nomorestupid fucking customers....wellno morerestaurant imean...i'llhave to deal with peopleno matter where i go...butdealing with people and their food totallyblows.....because i'myour slave andyoucan be meanand order the most retarded things from me..andGET them...becase you're always right....isn't that lovely?..haha...but i getto vent....because never again...it's SUCHa relief...
other news...charlieis doingwell...andkelly and i aredoing well...(a coupleofarguments hereandthere...but it's good to get that stuffout rather then let it buildup...(whichis a problem i have...i letthingsroll off my back until oneday out ofnowhere i crack...orsnap...hell, imay even pop...
..a littlecereal humor never hurt anyone)....so yeah...we've been together 6 months...which ties my second longest relationship...which iskindof sad...(thelongest is two years)...(her longest is 5!)...yeah...
so i think that issufficient for an update....
ihopeeveryone is doing well...iwould comment back...but seeing my wordsjumbledtogether pisses me off...
ps -- hope this wasfun to read...kindof like a "choose yourown adventure" story...onlywith trying to pick out what wordsi wassaying...ornot...haha
holy crap...(wait...first of all i wantto saythat thiskeyboardsucksandi'mnot going to seperate these wordsindividually when thespacebardoesn't do it's damn job...)...
so yeah..where were we?....thanks for all thebirthday wishes....it means a lot to me...sorrythat it took meso long to see them..i just got online today.....i've been away because i don't havemy computer hookedup yet....and it'll getdone...i'm just lazy...
didi mention that i quit myjob?...yeah...nomorestupid fucking customers....wellno morerestaurant imean...i'llhave to deal with peopleno matter where i go...butdealing with people and their food totallyblows.....because i'myour slave andyoucan be meanand order the most retarded things from me..andGET them...becase you're always right....isn't that lovely?..haha...but i getto vent....because never again...it's SUCHa relief...
other news...charlieis doingwell...andkelly and i aredoing well...(a coupleofarguments hereandthere...but it's good to get that stuffout rather then let it buildup...(whichis a problem i have...i letthingsroll off my back until oneday out ofnowhere i crack...orsnap...hell, imay even pop...

so i think that issufficient for an update....
ihopeeveryone is doing well...iwould comment back...but seeing my wordsjumbledtogether pisses me off...
ps -- hope this wasfun to read...kindof like a "choose yourown adventure" story...onlywith trying to pick out what wordsi wassaying...ornot...haha