the other day i was hanging out at kelly's house...and she turned to me and asked me ever so innocently, "do you want me to cook dinner in my new underwear you helped me pick out?"....my obvious response was "uhhhh...yeah!"...
...we then proceeded to cook, eat, and watch TV with her in her undies...then we made love on the couch and then her bed...afterwards she got up and asked if i wanted her to type my resume up for me...i said i did...and she did that in the nude...
where the fuck did this girl come from??...not that i'm complaining...
ps -- this is the only new part of this entry...last night she wanted to know what i wanted to do...i said "draw each other naked"...and so we did...she's a lot better than me (as far as talent and physical beauty)...but the whole experience was fun times....oh..and we took a sex break last night...i'm kind of sore from sex multiple times a night for a week straight...(and by sore i mean that my penis hurts...haha)..her birthday is tomorrow...so the sexual fast will be short lived..
...the sacrifices we have to make in life....tsk tsk...
the other day i was hanging out at kelly's house...and she turned to me and asked me ever so innocently, "do you want me to cook dinner in my new underwear you helped me pick out?"....my obvious response was "uhhhh...yeah!"...

where the fuck did this girl come from??...not that i'm complaining...
ps -- this is the only new part of this entry...last night she wanted to know what i wanted to do...i said "draw each other naked"...and so we did...she's a lot better than me (as far as talent and physical beauty)...but the whole experience was fun times....oh..and we took a sex break last night...i'm kind of sore from sex multiple times a night for a week straight...(and by sore i mean that my penis hurts...haha)..her birthday is tomorrow...so the sexual fast will be short lived..

thanks for your comment on my set hun

i hope your not busy this comming weekend?