am i lame because i don't really get into halloween?..i mean, i can see the appeal...but i never have the money to go buy a costume or anything...not that they always have to be expensive..i'm sure some people make their costumes...but that's more creativity that i'm willing to dish out for a few hours worth of wear...
ehh maybe it's just me...
hope everyone has fun though...haha, no really...
ps -- i'm going to make a mix i think..maybe that'll make me feel better...a SCARRYYYYY one...
am i lame because i don't really get into halloween?..i mean, i can see the appeal...but i never have the money to go buy a costume or anything...not that they always have to be expensive..i'm sure some people make their costumes...but that's more creativity that i'm willing to dish out for a few hours worth of wear...
ehh maybe it's just me...
hope everyone has fun though...haha, no really...
ps -- i'm going to make a mix i think..maybe that'll make me feel better...a SCARRYYYYY one...

that was the condition of my plans for halloween. i will hang out as long as i don't have to dress up.