I have worked in the medical field for a while now. I've done my time in the trenches, almost 4 years, in an ER as a medic and come out with a lot of medical knowledge. The one great thing about being in this field is that everyday you learn something new. Here is something I learned at work one night.
When someone is about to have a procedure were they need to be put under sedation, they usually ask if the patient has any personal or family members with any psych issues. Even if the patient has none, they always ask about mom, dad, uncles....anyone.
Here's why, certain medications used for sedation can actually "awaken" dormant psychosis in a patient, because odds are if your family has issues, there is a chance you have issues too. It's weird to know that instead of you developing issues down the road, you could develop them when the medication kicked in.

Well, upon learning of this new tidbit, I remarked, "Man, that would be weird. Being put under and as soon as the meds kick in your screaming WHO ATE MY COOKIES AND WHERE IS MY BATH RUG!!!!"

There was a silence at the nurses station, followed by laughter. I had to excuse myself to conference room as I was laughing too hard. Yet another moment of enlightenment cut down by a moment of WTF.

When someone is about to have a procedure were they need to be put under sedation, they usually ask if the patient has any personal or family members with any psych issues. Even if the patient has none, they always ask about mom, dad, uncles....anyone.
Here's why, certain medications used for sedation can actually "awaken" dormant psychosis in a patient, because odds are if your family has issues, there is a chance you have issues too. It's weird to know that instead of you developing issues down the road, you could develop them when the medication kicked in.

Well, upon learning of this new tidbit, I remarked, "Man, that would be weird. Being put under and as soon as the meds kick in your screaming WHO ATE MY COOKIES AND WHERE IS MY BATH RUG!!!!"

There was a silence at the nurses station, followed by laughter. I had to excuse myself to conference room as I was laughing too hard. Yet another moment of enlightenment cut down by a moment of WTF.

I use to take medicines and I really don't see the point... I'm sure they make me healthy and I look perfectly normal...
You must know that I totally agree with this poor man who wants to know who ate his cookies, eating someone else's cookies is an awful crime which should be severely punished!
Now I have to leave you cause I'm searching for my bath rug...
How are you today?
I just stopped working and it's 4 am, I'm so exhausted (and hungry...)
But I'm really happy of what I'v done these last days
Tomorrow I think I'm going to call my friend who's working as researcher in the same team as my teacher, maybe she can help me a little bit with statistics, because I hardly understand what that word means... Actually I think I could do it myself but I'm on a hurry so I will take her advices as she gave statistic courses. Damn I'm really anxious about this final work (and I stop anxiolytics at the same time... because of you, you freaked me out this morning!
If I get this degree I really think it will be the happiest and the most relieving day of my life!
What kind of nice project are your working on?
AH, no I'm going to watch my episode of Desperate Housewives and go to bed! Niiice!
Have a nice day or night, take care!
Kisses and hugs