Well. today's April Fools Day. Tonight will be must first day back to work in over a week and man I'm looking forward to it.
Won't be to bad though, cuz after that I have two days off.
The only thing that sucks is that I have kinda come to a crossroads in my life. I need to figure out what I want to do.
I can
A. Stay in the midwest doing this job.
B. Move to NC and start anew.
C. Move to a large city, buy a trench coat, and pleasure myself for tourists while a monkey in a thong signs my actions for the deaf.
(well, maybe not this one, so hard to find a monkey who knows sign language!)
When I was down in NC, it was out of this world, I was relaxes, I was happy. Here in the midwest, I know everyone, but I'm just not happy.
I guess the big thing to do is figure out, do I still want to be a medic?
Well, I've got plenty of time. I think I'll go V for Vendetta for a 3rd time tomorrow, yeah it rocked!
I think its gonna be a great day today
Till then, here's a funny kitty
Won't be to bad though, cuz after that I have two days off.
The only thing that sucks is that I have kinda come to a crossroads in my life. I need to figure out what I want to do.
I can
A. Stay in the midwest doing this job.
B. Move to NC and start anew.
C. Move to a large city, buy a trench coat, and pleasure myself for tourists while a monkey in a thong signs my actions for the deaf.
(well, maybe not this one, so hard to find a monkey who knows sign language!)
When I was down in NC, it was out of this world, I was relaxes, I was happy. Here in the midwest, I know everyone, but I'm just not happy.
I guess the big thing to do is figure out, do I still want to be a medic?
Well, I've got plenty of time. I think I'll go V for Vendetta for a 3rd time tomorrow, yeah it rocked!
I think its gonna be a great day today
Till then, here's a funny kitty
Thanks for the sweet set comment