here it is.... the day is upon me...... its do or die!
if i dont go through with it , im a coward.......
i will feel like the biggest wuss ever for weeks...
there's no reason not to...... its so clear..... clear
as can be.... the attraction is obvious to us both.....
....but as the guy its my job to initiate......
nothing i havent done before, but this one makes me nervous, maybe because I have true feelings of
attraction , rather than just wanting to sleep with her........
sometimes you get a weird feeling about some people, like you would just do anything for them if they asked....... tommarow :11pm I have to be a man and take on my dystany!
i will not be a bitch and not ask her out!
If i dont do it tommarow , i will never see her again, and I know I wont forget her so It will always nag me. FUCK IT!! Im going for it bro!
As Corey Feldman once said in "License to Drive",
" To live in fear is to not live at all!"
Fucking A ! Aint it the truth!
With that inspiration from that 80's classic, i will not live in fear!! Bombs away!
my die die my darling tattoo was done by Jim Minor. you can find his work on i think he is under james if you want to look at his work, also check out Tim Hendricks on that same site, he is also one of my artists. the shop is in west covina, CA. fucking license to drive. hahahahahaha. thanks for the very nice comments.