good nite went to helLA last nite it was an awsome night first off we went up there to go to some stupid ass club didnt want to go but that shit was all lined out and shit so we went to the key club to hang out and got in free, turns out that suffocation was playin so im like goin crazy shit made my nite no dancin and a metal show fuck the girl that we were with shits all wanted to dance or something lame like that so we left bumout. then to some shitty bar lame as fuck most getto ass bunch of fuck ive ever seen but it was cool cause i saw some fool get hit in the face with a bottle, got hit with the shrap glass all over my face and arm shit was crazy! got hit on by some gay fools in this cafe all smiles for them i guess but none for me then some old lady was givin me the buffalo eye guess she wanted a piece i would have been down but she didnt have any balls and didnt try to get some from me. it was a weird ass nite. if this sounds funny it because if need some sleep so nite for now