i only got 3 hours of sleep last night... but fuck man, today has been rad, i've just been working all day, but i've had so many great conversations with so many people online that were all really nice and pleasant. fuck man. i hope tomorrow is this good.
radiohead- the bends
radiohead- the bends
Actually, that's not entirely true.
Shave my head, yes. Only place left to conquer.
And you know what? I just came to the same conclusion you left me with. (You're brilliant, by the way. I don't know if it's intentional, but you should try to keep it up . . . .Ok, now hit me.) So yeah, I woke up, realized I've been living the life of a passive nonagressor with little to no interest in actively pursuing anything in life. And as soon as I realized this, my eyes rolled back into my head and my heart rate dropped, and now I'm in a fucking coma, and I love it.
My point being -- you gotta just go with the flow, don't make waves, don't get al splashy and shit. But -- you gotta *choose* to do this. Getting sucked in by other people's currents is no fun neither, know what I'm saying?
Ah revelations -- may they continue to make absolutely no difference in our lives.